Zero-inflated Modified Borel-Tanner Regression Model for Count Data


  • Anwar Hassan Prof. at Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir
  • Ishfaq S. Ahmad Research Scholar at Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir
  • Peer Bilal Ahmad Sr. Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematical Sciences, IUST, Pulwamma, J&K



By starting from the one-parameter Modified Borel-Tanner distribution proposed recently in the statistic literature, we introduce the zero-inflated Modified Borel-Tanner distribution. Additionally, on the basis of the proposed zero-inflated distribution, a novel zero-inflated regression model is proposed, which is quite simple and may be an interesting alternative to usual zero-inflated regression models for count data. The parameters of the proposed model are estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation technique. To check the potentiality of the zero inflated Modified Borel-Tanner regression, an application to the count of infected blood cells is taken. The results suggest that the new zero inflated Modified Borel-Tanner regression is more appropriate to model these count data than other familiar zero-inflated (or not) regression models commonly used in practice.




How to Cite

Anwar Hassan, Ishfaq S. Ahmad, & Peer Bilal Ahmad. (2022). Zero-inflated Modified Borel-Tanner Regression Model for Count Data. Austrian Journal of Statistics, 51(2), 28–39.